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Interior Design Style : Industrial

Gambar penulis: Deluxe InteriorsDeluxe Interiors

Source : Bare windows in industrial interior, Belle Imaging,

This article is a part of a series called Deluxe Interiors : 20 Trending Interior Design Styles in 2021, which is a specific category on Deluxe Interiors blog, reviewing various popular design styles in Indonesia. For more articles about interior design styles and other interior design related articles, please visit us at .

Design Theme

Industrial Design is a combination of modern and natural design. The main concept of Industrial Design is inspired by clean and well organized werehouse. It use construction elements such as red bricks, metal and wood, even in non-living space, the use of cement and concrete is quite common. All of these is made visible to the eye on purpose as center of attention.

It may seems less homie for some people, but actually, Industrial Design can creates warmth. Compared to Modern Design or Minimalist Design, which dominated by black and white, Industrial Design offers more aesthetical aspects. Which comes in the form of unique naural elements.


The idea of custom furniture design in Industrial Design is to combined traditional and modern design. It doesn’t mean that we have to do some mix and match of various kind of materials, instead we can use the same materials with different variety will create stronger identity but still feels dynamic. For example, we use solid wood to create a modern dining table, and the stools are made of rattan.

Basically, Industrial Design is not as dynamic. Some decorations in the room might create more flow and personal feeling. Remember that the details of the design is the center piece, so it won’t need too much decorations. Get some plants for natural touch and some personal photographs to make the room feels homey.


Elemen besi dan kayu sangat sesuai dengan konsep desain, terlebih jika keduanya digabungkan, seperti meja dan kursi dengan permukaan kayu dan kaki-kaki besi, dimana warna kayu lebih terang dan natural dari pada warna besi. Kombinasi material dan warna yang kontras juga dapat diaplikasikan di seluruh ruangan. Warna-warna yang lebih gelap untuk detail-detail ruangan, sementara warna natural menjadi corak utama.

Metal and wood are the most suitable material for Industrial Design. We can combined both materials, like wooden surface and metal body, which wood should have lighter color than metal. These combination can be applied to all rooms. Darker colors for details and lighter colors for accent.

Deluxe Interiors is founded upon the passion to create an art piece and inspired to create comfort in living space. Your satisfaction over our service and products, motivates us to keep growing and always giving our best.

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