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Interior Design Style : Mid-Century Modern

Source : Pauchok,

This article is a part of a series called Deluxe Interiors : 20 Trending Interior Design Styles in 2021, which is a specific category on Deluxe Interiors blog, reviewing various popular design styles in Indonesia. For more articles about interior design styles and other interior design related articles, please visit us at .

Design Theme

It’s a mix between 50's European interior design style and 70's American house. Its very similar with most of classic American house displayed in 80's Hollywood movies. Nowadays, Mid-Century Modern Design is more colorful and brighter. It is a everlasting and ever changing design, the details and accent can be modernized while still maintaining its foundation.

In Indonesia, Mid-Century Modern Design is quite popular. Many houses built in the 80's using Mid-Century Modern Design as a default interior design, as well as the architectural elements, such as sloppier roof, sized horizontally, spacious backyard, veranda is connected to front yard. It’s quite the opposite of most of house design today.


One of the signature material use for furniture in Mid-Century Modern Design is leather, often use to make sofa and chair. It’s quite dominating, since usually there are more of seat in the living room, placed all around the table. Beside leather, other material, like fabric is often use as well, for decorative rugs or pillow.

If in most modern design styles is using more wood for flooring, the characteristic of Mid-Century Modern Design is using marble or ceramic for flooring. This is one advantage of Mid-Century Modern Design compare to other design styles, which the flooring can be in tune with the decorations. Say the decorative is colorful and has a lot of details, so we can use ceramic floor because it has less detail. In contrary, if the decorative is simple and monotone, we can use patterned floor or terrazzo, or use marble or granite to give it more glamorous vibe.


Natural colors is quite dominant in Mid-Century Modern Design. Colors like brown, green, orange, yellow, white, these colors have natural vibes. Mid-Century Modern Design usually use some different colors in one room, just like colorful retro culture. When doing some color mix and match, it’s important to make sure that the colors is not to contrast to one another.

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